The granulation line MLG-500 (kombi) and MLG-1000 (kombi)

To order

MLG 500 and 1000 (kombi) is designed for the production of granulated mixed fodder and fuel pellets. The equipment will easily process sawdust of solid and coniferous species of wood, grain waste, straw, grass, hay, sunflower seeds, etc., waste after plastic processing, feed mixtures with grain composition.

High power and reliability of the equipment is provided by the movable rollers installed on the Grand-200 and Grand-300.


- Granulation line MLG-500 (kombi) (with granulator GRAND 200) - 121000 UAH.

- Granulation line MLG-1000 (kombi) (with granulator GRAND 300) - 163000 UAH.

- Aerodynamic dryer for sawdust (with calibrator) - 119000 UAH.

We are pleased to inform our customers about the output of two new mini granulation lines: MLG 500 (kombi) and MLG 1000 (kombi). In the new equipment, we combined the auger and mixer into one feed and humidification system. Thanks to this, such indicators as high ergonomics, compactness and convenience were achieved. Combining the two systems has reduced power costs.

MLG 500 (kombi) is equipped with GRAND-200 granulator.

MLG 1000 (kombi) is equipped with granulator GRAND-300.

Features of the mini line design

So, the equipment consists of the following functional parts:

A hopper for uniform feeding of raw materials with a feed screw and a humidification system.

Time-tested pellet feed pelletizer / fuel pellet Grand-200 or Grand-300 (engine power 11 and 22kW).

Cooling and sorting system (power 0.5 kW).

The closed exhaust system "Cyclone" (power 4 kW).

Remote Control

Thanks to the "Cyclone" system, waste-free and safe production is ensured. Dust in special dust collectors can be used again in production.

The granulation line MLG-500 (kombi) and MLG-1000 (kombi) изготовляется из материалов высокого качества, в соответствии с принятыми стандартами.

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