Extruder EGC-50


Extruder EGC-50: 37850.00 UAH.

To order

Cereal extruders: device, equipment, types.


- Extruder EGC - 50 380V (With three phases, 5.5 kW) - 15400 UAH.

- Extruder EGC-50 (Without engine) - 11050 UAH.

- Extruder EGC-50 (Work part + pulleys for the engine 1500 rpm) - 8700 UAH.

- Extruder EHK - 50 (Working part) - 6650 UAH.

- Bunker feeder BP - 50 - 3450 UAH.

One of the most important indicators that characterize the economic efficiency of livestock production is meat production. In the struggle for weight gain, farmers use all possible means: growth stimulants, antibiotics, hormonal drugs and so on. On the one hand, these methods give positive results. On the other hand, with the development of breeding animal husbandry, the veterinary load on the animal organism has significantly increased. As a result, metabolic disturbances, infectious diseases and increased mortality are often observed, especially among young animals.

 Improve metabolic processes can be with the help of dietary supplements or by improving the nutrition itself, namely, mixed fodders. The last point can be implemented if a device like a grain extruder appears in your farm.

The EKG - 50 fodder extruder is designed for the production of high quality feed for various agricultural animals. Typically, the screw extruder for grain has such components: an electric motor that is connected by a belt drive with an extruder part, an electrical part that drives the motor and the extruder part itself, and Pulleys due to which the rpm is reduced to workers, and also from the grain loading hopper, the chambers for loading and pressing the grain, which are equipped with a screw system S, and spinnerets. In the pressing chamber, the starting product is subjected to a pressure of 40-60 atm. As a result, the grain temperature increases to 170-1800C. When exiting through the spinnerets due to differences in pressure in the grains, a hydrostatic shock occurs. Thus, at the output from the device we get a dense foam mixture in the form of strand strands, whose volume is several times larger than the original material. Some corn sticks, a delicacy that eats with pleasure the majority of farm animals.

In addition to changing the shape of the product, qualitative changes also occur in the grain itself. Due to ultra-fast heat treatment poorly digested animals starch is split into simple carbohydrates and sugars, and fiber to secondary sugars, with most of the vitamins and proteins do not succeed in breaking down. All this allows us to direct energy not to digest food, but to the growth of an animal. In addition, high temperatures make it possible to get rid of pathogenic microflora and fungus, which are present even in dried grains. Therefore, an extruder to buy is a profitable solution for all those involved in livestock farming and strive to do this most effectively.

What are the types of grain extruders?

Depending on the technology being implemented, devices that perform dry extrusion or vapor extrusion are isolated. In the latter, a special chamber is provided, in which the grain is pre-treated with steam. This technology allows to increase productivity and reduce wear of the extruder's mechanisms. Recently, the greatest popularity was obtained by extruders dry processing. In just a half a minute, several processes occur at once: grinding, heat treatment, sterilization, increase in volume and decrease in humidity. In grain extruders from the company LLC "TechnoMashStroy" uses dry technology of grain processing. Depending on the way the engine is powered, electric and petrol engines are distinguished. Extruders on the gasoline engine are good because they are absolutely not dependent on electricity, they are great for working in open areas and in the field. Extruders on electric motors are more environmentally friendly and economical, but depend on the source of electricity.

 Pros of our extruder: EGC - 50 In addition to the main components, our model of the feed extruder is equipped with additional useful devices. Among them:

  • Screw feed

Possibility of supply of raw materials with smooth adjustment. The maximum stable operation of the system as a whole, regardless of the fraction of raw materials, which leads to minimal attention of the operator in the process of work. Possibility to work on grain mixtures. In the absence of vibrations in the hopper, there is no separation of the layers of raw materials, which leads to a uniform supply of the mixture.

  • Presence of a magnetic separator

On our unit there is a magnet with an attractive force of 50 kg, which extracts even metal dust from the grain. This prevents equipment failure and unplanned repairs.

  • Safety factor for all nodes!

Frame made of steel pipe, does not allow deformation when tensioning belts and makes it possible to move the extruder without any installation work. The main engine allows the extruder to work for an unlimited period of time. The belt drive keeps the maximum torque without slipping the belts without creating excessive resistance. It has the ability to adjust the tension.

  • Factory-made.

Where at purchase you will be assured of quality and warranty service of your extruder. If you are going to buy a grain extruder, pay attention to the EKG-50 extruder manufactured by TechnoMashStroy LLC.

The extruder, whose price will pleasantly please and will become an indispensable assistant for the production of quality mixed fodders for your farm.

 Dimensions: - Extruder EGC-50: D. 550 mm., Sh. 520 mm., W. 450 mm. Weight - 80 kg.

 Bunker BP - 50: W 600mm, D 500mm, At 700mm. Weight - 20 kg.

Extruder EGC-50 производит питательный и сбалансированный корм для животных, птиц или рыб. Результатом экструзии являются пористые палочки, которые очень хорошо поедаются животными без остатка. Данный корм в процессе производства проходит термическую обработку, при которой жиры, плохоусваиваемые животными, расщепляются на простые жиры и сахара, а витамины сохраняются

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